Saturday, May 29, 2010

New place, new life, same me

I am already in Kampar. Ah.. nice place.. Really cool room. I spent the day cleaning and washing the whole balcony!! >.< soooOOO tired. The place is really dusty because there are still many houses undergoing construction in Beijing A. Nice scenery in front, JUst like Japan!!! LOL..
WE have everything here, KInd of cool also.

I had lunch with my parents and Jia Feng in a coffee shop. aw.. I really will miss my parents.. >.< Huhu...

Unfortunately my table is facing the wall, So it's quite dark and hot, Lucky thing I brought a fan and a table lamp. >.< Jf is so lucky, her table is facing the window..ah....
NOw that everything is settled, I am just relaxing. BUt my things are quite messy here. It's everywhere. I think I MIGHT sort them out tomorrow. >.< I have just got to suit myself here. Adaption!! SUrvive!! HUAAAA!! haha!

AH.. the DSA is closed, so I can only register on Monday.
Okie... Classes starting on Monday. I am going to get my bicycle from Vivian tomorrow also, half pricee...wooo..

I am off for now. A lot of things to say, but my mind is blank . <3

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